Becoming a Member
By being a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy), you are automatically a member of your state dietetic association and qualify for district membership. The Missouri Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has one active district: St. Louis (SLDA), and four regions: Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest. Every member is automatically put into the region based on their address of record with the Academy. For St. Louis district membership information, please click on the Region and District menu. District dues are separate from Academy dues.
Contact the The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics at 1-800-877-1600 ext 5000 for membership information.
If you are a MOAND member and are not receiving email communication from us, Please Let Us Know!
Current Membership = 922
Continuing Education
Excellent district and state continuing education programs are available to keep you on the cutting edge of professional issues.
Membership Only Electronic Mailing List (EML)
Connect with thousands of Dietitians from across the state of Missouri instantly with our EML list. Get ready for lively discussion and lots of valuable information sharing amongst colleagues.
Professional Development Stipend/Grant Program
The Missouri Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics offers stipends and grants to MOAND members. They are awarded to obtain certifications, gain leadership skills, attend conferecnes, and support community programs. Log in as a member to find out how to apply for one and to download applications.
District and State Elections
Members shape the future of dietetics by participating in the profession today — elect strong leadership.
Public Policy Programs
MOAND works with The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to drive national and state legislation and regulation which promotes good nutrition and health.
Membership offers opportunities to visit, share, collaborate and grow with other dietetic professionals.
A Good Value
Membership discounts apply to district continuing education sessions, and the Annual meeting and Exhibition.
MOAND Newsletter
Members receive the MOAND electronic Newsletter.
See what current MOAND members value about their Academy membership...